5 Self-Care Appointments You Need to Schedule Today

I get it, you are super busy. I also get that you are tired of people talking about everyone being busy. But here you are reading this blog (for which I thank you), so you must have a couple of minutes of free time. But before you click away to another page, get your phone out and make these important self-care appointments. Your healthy, and well-taken-care-of, self will thank you later.

Don’t delay, get these appointments on your calendar now:

  1. Your annual exam or physical. While not everyone needs a PAP once a year, the bloodwork and check-in with your primary doctor or OB/GYN is critical to your long-term health.
  2.  Your mammogram. Just do it. Or else, I will tell you horrid stories of women who didn’t catch breast cancer early enough.
  3. Your dental cleaning and x-rays. If you want to have your own teeth when all that is on your schedule are river cruises and visits with your grandkids, then you need to get to the dentist twice a year and at least pretend to floss regularly. Don’t worry, I am pretty sure everyone fibs about how often they floss.
  4. Your dermatologist for your skin screening. The summer is long past and your tan has faded enough for the doc to get a look at any suspicious spots or moles, without getting too much of a lecture about said tan.
  5. Your flu shot. This one is the easiest of all. No appointment necessary. Get your flu shot at the drug or grocery store.


If you can’t get to making all these health appointments right now, make a calendar item on your phone to schedule the rest. Energy is the base of the time management triangle. If you are not healthy then you are not able to accomplish tasks, no matter how many of them there might be. This is literally the best self-care you can gift to yourself. You do this for your kids, right? Maybe even for your spouse? You are an amazing woman, an amazing caregiver—make yourself a priority. Make the call today.

If you want more time management strategies, check out our book, Declutter and Thrive: Overcoming Six Common Disorganization Types to Reveal Your Best You. Take the QUIZ and find your disorganization type today!



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