The Many Mental Benefits of Decluttering: February is “Declutter for a Cause” month

by Diane Roberts Stoler Ed.D.
February 15, 2023
Psychology Today


During the month of February, people are encouraged to declutter their homes and donate unused or unwanted items to charitable organizations. If you need some motivation to make room for the new holiday gifts you received, or to organize your closets, now is the time. You know that sweater in your closet that doesn’t look good on you, but you never got around to returning? How about that extra toaster oven you have been storing in your basement for years? Someone out there could be enjoying these items. Donating feels good. As does living in a tidy and organized environment.

Clear Your Home, Clear Your Mind

Clutter creates chaos, which impacts your ability to focus. It also limits your brain’s capacity to process information. Clutter is a form of visual distraction, which increases cognitive overload and can reduce working memory. If your space is unorganized and filled with clutter it can be difficult to focus or concentrate. Research has shown that people are less irritable, less distracted, more productive, and better able to process information with an uncluttered and organized work area.

Staying organized can be a challenge for anyone. It can be a daunting task for those with ADHD, brain injury, and/or executive function deficit or disorder. Clearing the clutter and developing systems for keeping certain things like keys, phone, and wallet are essential to managing day-to-day activities and improving time management.


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