Minimalist Living: Tips From the Experts

by Sofia Medina
March 10, 2023
from Porch 


In recent years, the minimalist lifestyle has gained significant popularity among individuals looking to simplify their lives and reduce their environmental impact. Minimalist living refers to the intentional decision to live with less regarding material possessions and commitments. It’s about prioritizing what truly matters and eliminating distractions and clutter that can weigh a person down. At its core, minimalist living is a philosophy that promotes mindfulness and intentionality in all aspects of life. In this article, we’ll share tips from experts in the minimalist community to help you embrace this lifestyle and enjoy its many benefits as you create a more intentional and fulfilling life with less.

What minimalist living is

I would define minimalism as living intentionally with a minimum of items to maintain simplicity; it is purposeful living.

I relate it to renting a vacation condo, and the kitchen is quite spartan in a number of items, yet you realize you can easily create most of the meals you make at your home, and you think, “huh, this is really easy cleanup.”

– Denise Allan from Simplify Experts

Read the rest of the article on Porch.


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