At Simplify Experts, we do more than just declutter and organize—we also specialize in supporting clients with ADHD. Our founder Denise Allan has specialist credentials in Chronic Disorganization and ADHD, as well as ten additional certificates of study through the Institute for Challenging Disorganization (ICD). She is also the only certified Chronic Disorganization Specialist (CPO-CD) in the Pacific Northwest. Our professional organizers are trained one-on-one by Denise with this ethos in mind. This is how we understand that whether you are taking care of a child diagnosed with ADHD or have ADHD yourself, you face extra challenges when it comes to home management and organization. It is not your fault. ADHD causes your mind to feel like it is jumping all over, making you overwhelmed, and disorganized—and your home becomes the same. Your brain chemistry is working against you and your coping mechanisms may not be enough.
When it comes to getting organized, you may feel stuck and don’t even know where to start. Adults with ADHD have many passions and great ideas. Common spaces such as kitchen, dining rooms, garage, and family rooms may have become cluttered by open projects. Visual overstimulation can occur and you never feel the satisfaction of completing a project. Common spaces lose their intended function. Uncompleted projects may cause financial strain and increase conflict with loved ones. We understand these unique challenges and we can help.
Some ADHD strategies we use with our clients:
- Creating simple more visually-oriented organizing systems to support the client’s learning style.
- Using white boards and analog clocks, as well as prioritizing client’s ongoing projects, as time can be more fluid and multiple projects are in need of support to be fully completed.
- Putting labels on spaces to create clear boundaries and reminders of what goes where.
- Bringing down the volume of clutter distractions in the home so the brain can rest. Minimizing too many choices so that routines are easier.
- Helping with prepping for taxes, creating easy-to-use paper systems, and scheduling admin time during the week.
You are not alone. Here is what we can do for you:
- Simplify Experts is a supportive partner in your organizing. We will work with your learning style.
- Assist you in simplifying your space and creating a calm and organized home. This will give your eyes and mind a place to rest, and reduce visual overstimulation and anxiety.
- Establishing routines that will work for you (or your ADHD child) to help you manage your home and your daily responsibilities.
- Helping with your time management to fit in the critical component of self-care so that you have the reserves to be your best.
- Supporting you to prioritize your projects and get them to completion. We help you set up designated project spaces so that they don’t interfere with day-to-day function.
Contact us and let’s start a conversation on how we can help support you and your family.