All the Attic Cleaning Tips You Need to Know

by Jamie Forbes
August 22, 2022
on RedFin Blog

Attics are the perfect place to store things you might need someday, especially if you live in a large house in Nashville, TN, or a fixer-upper in Las Vegas, NV. Regardless, all attics can become too full. If yours is similar to most, it’s probably full of boxes, old furniture, and other items you no longer need or use. When did you last take the time to clean it out thoroughly?

If it’s been a while (or if you’ve never done it), now is the time. Here’s an expert, step-by-step guide with all the attic cleaning tips you need to help you get the job done….

Be intentional about storage

It’s more challenging to move items into the attic, especially when there’s a pull-down ladder. Because of this, make sure everything you move has earned the square footage you’re giving it. For long term-storage, use weatherproof plastic boxes and large labels.

When cleaning your attic, be sure to clean in 90 minute to 2 hour chunks of time. This way, you can make serious headway every session without exhausting or hurting yourself. – Simplify Experts


Read the entire article on RedFin Blog.


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