Better Mornings Begin With an Organized Kitchen

Looking to get a jump start on your productivity or make your mornings less of a struggle? There’s no better place to start than the kitchen. A well-organized kitchen can have a lasting effect on your health and happiness. There are ample opportunities to streamline your morning routine. From your first cup of coffee to grabbing a coat and rushing out the door. Use these organizing tricks to put frustrating mornings to rest and start celebrating the sunrise on your terms.

Clear Out the Clutter

Before you add anything to the kitchen, take stock of what you have. You’ll be surprised at how much space you can create by organizing and getting rid of everything that you aren’t using.

Throw out any junk mail, old kitchenware, and appliances. Assess your fridge and pantry for any food that’s expired and condense as much as you can. Anything that’s in good condition but you rarely use, donate.

Most people can take control of their space in a few hours, but if your kitchen is in need of serious help you can have a service pick-up your clutter.

Use Design to Promote Better Moods

One way to inject an air of relaxation into your morning is to add a bit of color. Consider painting your kitchen yellow or green to promote happiness and activity.

Enhance your mood by using the existing qualities of your space. Open up your blinds to introduce more natural light. When the weather permits, open up the window to wake up with fresh air. For an even simpler approach to promoting a happier morning, add a bowl of fruit for a splash of color and vibrancy.

Organize with Your Routine in Mind

As you clean think about the ways that you use your kitchen and group similar things together. Streamline your breakfast cooking by organizing the cabinets nearest the stove and oven with pots, pans, stirring utensils, dish towels, etc.

But first – COFFEE. Hang mugs near your coffee pot or French press. Nobody likes digging through cabinets while they’re half asleep. You’ll notice the difference when nothing comes between you and your first cup of joe.

Hunting for the right spice jar can be a real chore and create a mess, so consider a Lazy Susan for easy access. Use drawer dividers to save you the headache of digging through utensils.

Mail Organizers and More

Once the cabinets are clean and organized, create a station for morning tasks. Hang a dry erase board for memos and lists. Here’s where you can keep a running grocery list. This way you never forget to pick up milk or other important morning items.

Add a mail organizer to keep your mail from collecting on the countertops. Leave notes about bills and other important mail items to address so clutter doesn’t stack up. Consider adding a coat rack. It’s time to reclaim your chairs and table from the throes of stacked purses, hats, and jackets.

Now your kitchen can be the sanctuary to help you fight the morning blues. Starting your day stress-free has begun!

Author: Haley Kieser 

Photo: Naomi Hébert on Unsplash


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