Every day, retailers appeal to us with promises of special deals and savings on all kinds of stuff. We love a great deal. But our shopping habits may be costing us much more than we think, not just in terms of the money, but in time – our most precious resource.
No More Space
When we bring new purchases into a cluttered home we might struggle to find a place for the new items. When items don’t have a home, they become part of the clutter. When we can’t find what we own we re-buy the same items repeatedly. We experience this with clients on a regular basis. Sometimes the items that are bought repeatedly might be food staples or personal hygiene products. Other times, when decluttering with a professional organizer, clients recover expensive items such as cameras – that they thought they’d lost.
Can’t Find Our Stuff
In Declutter and Thrive, Denise Allan offers the 80% is full rule. When our drawers are packed tight, it is not only hard to put stuff away, often we can’t find our favorite pieces. Our favorite clothes get lost at the bottom of a drawer or jammed in a closet. It doesn’t matter whether the item we bought was on sale or not – since we can’t find it to enjoy it. Before going shopping, we should shop at home. When we note how many sweaters, t-shirts or jeans we own, (we might find items we’ve completely forgotten about!) and we make better decisions about whether more are needed.
Laundry Piles Forever
Doing laundry is very time consuming. Households with large clothing volume struggle with large amounts of laundry. Many clients never get through all of it, instead they have permanent piles and full hampers. Baskets of clean laundry become mixed with baskets of dirty laundry. In time, many clothing items are simply forgotten about because they haven’t been available for wearing. Talk about costly. Items that are lost in the laundry end up being replaced with a brand-new version – inevitably adding to the laundry pile.
If these scenarios describe your household, you may be feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. Professional organizers love to tackle problems just like these! We can work together with you to reduce the volume, find homes for all your items, and banish laundry piles forever. Contact Denise@Simplifyexperts.com for a complimentary in-home assessment.