If you think of your bedroom as the room you merely sleep in, we’d like to change your philosophy on this. Your bedroom is definitely your shut-eye space, but it could be so much more—your personal sanctuary, romantic hideaway, self-care she-shed, or zen retreat. It should be a place you can feel calm, peaceful, and safe in. We’ve come up with several possibilities of why you aren’t in love with your bedroom, and how to fix this.
Don’t Let Chaos Reign
There is no way you can feel relaxed in your bedroom if clutter is covering every piece of furniture and floor space. Spend a weekend cleaning your room (pretend you’re a grounded teen!): sort clean and dirty laundry, put everything back in its place, remove items that should be in other rooms, and get rid of donations or rubbish. An organized, decluttered bedroom will help you sleep better, then wake up to a smoother, calmer start to your day. It also improves air quality when you don’t have a bunch of stuff collecting dust. Your bedside tables should have minimal items on them: a lamp, the book you are currently reading, maybe hand lotion or a candle. Don’t forget to make your bed and put your folded PJs under your pillow each morning!
Move the Stressful Stuff Elsewhere
Do you sit in bed and work on your laptop? Do you have an exercise machine in the bedroom? This is a tough one, but seriously consider moving these activities and their accompanying physical pieces to another room altogether. Work and exercise are excellent and necessary, but so is a bedroom devoid of stressful, demanding things. Waking up and seeing your laptop or elliptical first thing is not conducive to a relaxing start to your day. If you really want to take it up a notch, stop taking your phone to bed with you. The screen’s blue light mimics daylight, which messes with your circadian rhythm, decreases your REM sleep, and hinders you from falling asleep.
Help Your Bed Help You
If you bought your mattress when “Downton Abbey” first began streaming, then it’s definitely time for a new one. To maintain hygiene and comfort, mattresses should be replaced every 8-10 years, and pillows every 1-2 years. The Sleep Foundation’s bedroom poll found 73% of respondents cited a comfortable mattress as the most important element of getting a good night’s sleep. Unsurprisingly, comfortable, high-quality sheets are like the icing on top of your (bed) cake—they help keep you cool or warm, ensuring a refreshed awakening. You know how wonderful it feels to slip into a firm, tightly-made hotel bed with fresh bedding? That’s what we’re talking about.
Hide the Hobbies
Do you knit, read, or do yoga in your room? It doesn’t mean you need your items for these interests to be sitting in full view at all times. Store them in another room, or put them away in a dedicated storage spot. If you’ve got a bench at the end of your bed, switch it out with a storage bench or ottoman, and use that space to put away your hobby items. If you keep your books in your bedroom, get a bookshelf with doors. Putting these items out of sight will keep your bedroom feeling light, calm, and uncluttered.
Embrace Your Light and Dark Sides
Do you prefer to sleep and wake up in a pitch black room? You may need room-darkening window treatments. Look at your alarm clock if you use one, and see how much light it puts out; you may do well to dim it or turn it so it’s not facing you directly. If, on the other hand, you prefer nature’s light schedule, then get window coverings that let in plenty of light while still giving you privacy. Last but not least, add elements such as lamps and dimmer switches to give yourself various lighting options so you can create just the right atmosphere.
Reassess Your Layout and Colors
How your bedroom is laid out and its color scheme actually affects the peacefulness and balance of your environment, according to the ancient Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui. The placement of your bed is key—place it far away from and diagonal to, but not in line with, the door. Nightstands on either side of the bed also bring balance; they’re also quite practical for placing items like a lamp. Use colors—on your bedding, walls, accessories—that bring serenity and make your space feel like an oasis. Avoid bright primary colors and wild prints; instead, go for light, neutral, calming colors and patterns.
Update Your Surroundings
If your furniture and bedding are looking pretty dated and worn, gift yourself a new set of bedroom everything. You don’t have to spend a fortune—IKEA has a plethora of reasonably-priced bedroom items. Look online for ideas and inspiration for colors, decor, and furniture. You deserve the bedroom of your dreams!
Your bedroom should be a special place for you to unwind and find peace. Whether you’re sleeping, reading while enjoying a face mask, or having a romantic evening, your room is a personal hideaway from the stresses and duties of daily life. Use these ideas to create your own serene space and start reaping the benefits of better sleep and easier mornings.